Working on Positive Change

I am a Foresight & change consultant with almost 30 years of experience helping people and organizations to develop positive cultures where people learn, collaborate, perform, and change together. I work with my business partner Marcel Lamers.
My mission is to support leaders, organizations, and fellow consultants with positive change.
Change is the only constant, but I started to worry more and more about the general direction of change over the past five years.
So many systems are interdependent and so many challenges happen at the same time. We find ourselves in a poly-crisis.
The climate and biodiversity crises, new wars and tensions, the cracks in the social contract in our societies, the accelerating digital developments, economic stress and transformation, massive demographic changes such as aging populations, and rising inequality, fake truths, and bubbles…..
Who is looking forward to the future? Many people dread it. I started to worry even more – after studying the poly-crisis, after dozens of books, lectures, and courses.
Many organizations, my clients, hang on to the status quo for as long as they can.
Discussing the dire state of many systems, including the global capitalist system, is a taboo in organizations. Progress and growth are icons of the narrative of our time. But, what if….?
We need to explore our options — possible futures. We need to anticipate and prepare for big changes over the coming decades. We need to talk about transitions and taboos.
We don’t need false hope or fake optimism. But we do need images of the futures that inspire us. What is a kind of future where you want to live and work?
Dreading the future and hanging our heads is not helping us take action.
Meanwhile, the future that will come true depends on what we’re doing today. Sadly, that is often the same as yesterday. Are we doing too little, too late?
It’s time for change and I can’t do it alone. You can’t do it alone. But together, we can do so much more!
Let’s inspire more people to think about the futures, to explore and anticipate, prepare, and change.
It’s my mission to work toward change, as positive as possible, but as realistic as it must be.
I want to contribute to the transitions that lie ahead – to help more people and organizations imagine the futures, anticipate, prepare, and change.
Who do we choose to be? How will we deal with the world’s wicked problems? Will you help with the changes ahead? Join us!
That’s why we host the Strategic Foresight & Futures community. We explore and anticipate possible futures and prepare for change. This is an interactive learning group, especially for small and medium-sized organizations without their own Foresight team and for self-employed consultants who want to help their client organizations anticipate and change.
We also work on positive leadership and culture. We’ve helped more than 3000 organizations globally. We founded OCAI online (online organizational culture assessment, © Kim S. Cameron) where over 200,000 respondents assessed their culture to date.
Our online Positive Culture Academy has taught more than 250 students to date.
We also trained approx. 350 fellow consultants via interactive 3-day workshops on consulting about organizational change and culture – and we still do so.
We published two books on leadership, culture, and change. Check out “Organizational Culture Change” and “Developing a Positive Culture where People and Performance Thrive.”
I also publish my blog posts on this website.
I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience through online platforms and communities, and I am always eager to learn and grow as a professional.
I want to support people, organizations, leaders, and fellow consultants with positive change. Change is the only constant, so let’s work toward a future where we want to live and work!
Feel free to connect with Marcella on social media:
“Positive organizations are better at change, more innovative, resilient, and working on a positive purpose.
I help people and organizations to explore, envision, prepare, and work on a livable future.”