Increase your results and enroll in the:
Positive Culture Academy
Help yourself and your organization be (more) positive & productive
199 USD
- What if you felt energized instead of enduring the daily grind?
- What if the culture was helpful instead of hampering performance, engagement, customer satisfaction, competitiveness, and agility?
- What if change and learning would be more fun, useful, and rewarding?
- What if there were positive leadership and co-workers would support each other to achieve the organization’s shared purpose?
That would help your organization or team thrive, and yourself and others as well, right?
That’s why I created the
Positive Culture Academy
You can thrive at work while you achieve your goals. You can also do more about your culture than you think!
First, you’ll expand your personal “positive power” by upgrading your mindset and skills. Next, you can apply Interaction Interventions to engage your direct colleagues. Then, you can amplify your impact by developing a positive culture as a “social movement” in your team or organization.
When you join the Positive Culture Academy, you’ll learn and practice Interaction Interventions that invite you and co-workers to:
- Notice and amplify what is already working well
- Improve performance toward “positive deviance”
- Collaborate more and share ideas and energy
- Ask more positive questions
- Take ownership of personal actions and outcomes
- Learn from mistakes, fail fast, and innovate
- Be agile and ready to change if needed
When you apply positive leadership at work, you’ll be more aware of your personal positive power. You know how to use daily Interaction Interventions to engage the people you work with. You can use Change Circles if you need to engage the whole organization to work on the culture.
Your team or organization can develop a more positive, productive culture. Innovation, learning, collaboration, engagement, and productivity might exceed all expectations!
That’s awesome! But maybe you wonder if this would be possible in your situation.
Maybe you think:
“Nice, but there’s only one of me. I can’t make a dent in this corporation.”
Maybe not overnight. A culture is sustained in daily interactions so you start right where you are, when you change your interactions.
“This is a workplace, not happy hour.”
Exactly. A workplace serves clients and adds value. A positive culture “broadens and builds” organizations: when people feel positive they become more open and resourceful, achieving amazing results which reinforces further positivity. A positive culture contributes to the bottom line of organizations.
“Positive means fake smiles, slacking off, and dreaming.”
Not at all! A positive culture stimulates people to be authentic at work, including off-days and tempers, so that they can give their best, including candid feedback to anyone who doesn’t, while they are realistic.
“I don’t have time.”
That’s why you change small interactions that, over time, have a positive effect on you and your team.
“I don’t have a leadership position.”
You don’t need to. Everyone can do Interaction Interventions.
Yes, really. Our workplaces can be more positive and we can make that happen. There’s no need to give up on your team or organization, and to settle for mediocre results.There’s no need to suffer or merely survive at work to pay the bills.
Join us today…BEFORE you spend more precious time and energy in a disengaged workplace, or BEFORE you push your team for change and results without upgrading your culture.
When you thrive, you deliver your best contribution to the organization. When you thrive, you make a positive difference to your purpose, your workplace, and the world.
When your team thrives, so will performance, the bottomline, retention rates, customer satisfaction, competitiveness, and agility.
What is the Curriculum?
This Academy gives an overview of positive organizational culture and has a practical focus on Interaction Interventions. Download the PCA leaflet (pdf).
It’s based on Marcella Bremer’s book “Developing a Positive Culture where People and Performance Thrive.”
- The 22 video lectures will quickly inform and inspire you.
The downloadable PDFs help you prepare your actions. - The journaling questions and assignments help you decide on interventions that fit.
- The dialogue group will energize and support you.
- Practice with a colleague or fellow student. Add optional live video calls with Marcella. Or ask Marcella in the discussion group or by email.
How did others like it?
“I like the content, and the easy style of the course with manageable chunks. The Academy is thought provoking, refreshing, and energizing.”
Frances Clayton, Change Manager, Middle-East
“This Academy is holistic, sincere, and actionable. I appreciate the many angles of positive culture being presented and the personal preparation work.”
Crystal Sittser, Manager Internal Controls, USA
“High quality content delivered in digestible bits. Easily actionable! This course is high-quality and inspiring.”
Vadivu Govind, Consultant, Singapore
“The videos are good, the checklists make me think about what I can apply that week. This Academy is motivating, thoughtful, applicable.”
Dolores Fabregas, Regional sales manager, USA
“This Academy has a scientifically proven approach, and is practical. The questions Marcella asks form an excellent checklist to diagnose a situation and find paths for change. Sometimes a single phrase in a video can make my week. Very insightful.”
Claude Emond, Management Consultant, Canada
“I did not expect it to be so easy to apply, thanks to the structured approach. This is the perfect tool for creating positive change in organizations.”
Maria Marc, facilitator & trainer, USA
“This course offers tools and talking points! Insightful, methodical, achievable! I love the way Marcella presents and how she uses examples from her own experience.”
Samantha Schreiner, People Operations (HR) Professional, USA
“It’s systematic and practical. The videos are well-researched and to the point. Let’s keep this Academy tribe together!”
Kanna Krishnan, Senior Director of Human Resources, Malaysia

What’s the investment?
The fee for this interactive, online Positive Culture Academy is just $ 199. In Europe, VAT may apply. Our general terms and conditions apply. The Positive Culture Academy is self-paced. But if you’d like the support of others just join our dialogue group, or enroll with co-workers in the in-company academy. The average workload is 2 hours per week (but you can go faster or slower as you like). You’ll not only feel more positive, but also achieve more with better relationships. Let your team be the first positive patch in your organization! This training is ranked #4 in the Global Organizational Culture Training list for 2020! If you want to develop a more positive culture, click the button below… …so you can avoid settling for the daily grind, the frustration, the disengagement, the office politics, and disappointing Key Performance Indicators.See you on the other side! Let’s develop a more positive culture where you, your team and performance can thrive.
Marcella Bremer,
culture consultant, author, and positive coach

© 2024 marcellabremer dot com / Kikker Groep