Let’s prepare for a positive future

How was your year? I hope you can find some time for reflection after the rush of the holidays.
What went well? What would you like to change? How can you prepare for an awesome new year? How can you prepare for the challenges that people and organizations face regarding climate change and social issues? How will you contribute to the future?

Preparing for the future means learning and adapting, training resilience and skills. You can use positive psychology practices to achieve positive outcomes – I’ve written about these topics last year.
Please check out some of my articles on organizational culture, change, and positive leadership to inspire you for next year:

1. Active Hope for positive organizations

Discouraged about global crises? The Active Hope process helps people and organizations unleash their strengths. Check the story, start from gratitude, acknowledge pain, see with new eyes and take action. Start here with 7 “sentence starters”

2. Active Hope for a positive culture

Why don’t we take action if something is wrong? This blocked response is based on our dominant story and culture. However, if we believe in another story – we can take action for a more positive future.

3. Organizational culture is crucial for the future

In a time of crises, it’s crucial that we upgrade ourselves and our organizations. Structures, processes, and strategy slow you down, but culture can help change the narrative and develop the core values, key behaviors and skills to create the future we want. A positive, learning and agile culture helps organizations achieve their positive purpose.

4. Can you change this story and culture?

Our global, societal, and organizational cultures help or hinder the transition to a healthy future. What’s the narrative of our culture that caused the current global ecological, social, and governance issues? What to change?

5. Sustainable development goals for positive organizations

We need organizations with a positive purpose that solve global ecological, and social challenges. Check how the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can inspire your decisions, actions, and interactions. The SDGs help to develop a positive culture

6. What’s your organization’s positive purpose?

A positive purpose inspires organizational culture and directs all decisions and actions. It formulates what the organization contributes to the world – what ecological, social issues you address and what needs you fulfill. The world needs your contribution

7. Ready for exponential change and transitions?

How well prepared is your organization’s culture for grassroots, exponential change in transitions? Let’s see how change works as a social movement with crisis as an opportunity. If you don’t change in time you might encounter “civil resistance”

8. Is climate change a taboo in your culture?

Is climate change a taboo in your culture? According to Jason Hickel’s book Less is More, we should aim for degrowth to keep the world livable. Shouldn’t we discuss these ideas in organizations? Is your organizational culture forward-thinking, open to new ideas, agile and ready to change if necessary?

9. How to shift to a healthy future?

Does your organization contribute to a healthy future? Do you prepare your organization for change? Explore the options that Jason Hickel offers for the future

10. Make your organization future-fit

How do we train our organization’s resilience and adaptability for the future? Laloux’s program The Week engages your teams around a positive purpose. It taps into the collective intelligence to deal with climate change.

Thanks for reading this blog!

Let’s connect again in the new year and make it great for people, organizations, for ecosystems and for the generations of the future. Organizational culture is crucial to all the change that is needed.

© Marcella Bremer, 2023

The time for a positive transition is now. This decade until 2030 determines the future. Let’s help people and organizations become future-fit.

I offer positivity research and practices to develop resilience and collaboration skills. Just enroll in the online Positive Culture Academy. Join today!

Buy The Positive Culture Book and develop a positive organization.

Check out the next online Culture Change Leadership workshop! Registration is open – places are limited to guarantee interaction and quality.

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