Positive Power – Overview Part One

Welcome to this overview of the first 18 blog posts from my next book: “Positive Power at Work – How to make a positive difference from any position.”

You can make a positive difference from any position, without needing permission or resources from others. This book will help you see positive possibilities and (re)claim your positive agency. Unstuck yourself and engage others with your interaction and actions. Transform into a positive organization where people and performance thrive.

I hope that this blog series (that will be published as a book) inspires you!

Positive Power E-Book to download

Do you prefer easier reading than separate blog posts? I have created the E-book “Positive Power at Work – Part 1” for the members of this blog. Simply log into the members’ area to download.

Positive Power Overview of Blog Posts:

Can you Change anything?
Do you have the power to change anything? I know you do.

Do you want to be a Positive Agent?
The world and the workplace need you. Not just your boss, or those mighty experts, or the system with its official authority. We need YOUR positive power and presence.

What is Personal Positive Power?
Check out how to bring your best self forward while helping others be positive and powerful, too.

Why would you develop Personal Positive Power?
Developing personal positive power will not only make you happier but also energize your team and influence your organization.

How do people create Change?
Bob Quinn discerns four ways to instigate change. Which one do you use often?

How can you develop your Personal Positive Power at Work?
There are four levels to work on, starting with yourself: ME – then on to You, We, and the Whole.

Why do You need to make a Difference?
You need to make a difference on three levels: for the world, the workplace, and for yourself.

How can one person make any difference at all?
Understanding that we are unique and that our presence and actions have the power to influence the world is the first step.

Did something unexpected ever happen in your life?
Reality is a complex system with countless connections between many actors and factors: they are bound to surprise you.

Do you see things and predict the future?
Do you limit yourself by the way you think? Learning to see “fluidity” can enhance your possibilities.

How can you judge your impact?
How can you determine that you don’t make a difference? We all have changed someone’s life – usually without knowing.

Small actions can create big change
Because the world is huge, the difference we make ripples soon out of sight. But we still make that difference – even if you can’t see it.

What if we embodied Positive Change?
We tend to copy what we have seen, and that’s why every act of kindness counts. What have you done today that you’d like others to do, too?

Your Positive Impact, anywhere, anytime, in any role
If you want to increase your positive impact, you need to be present with an open mind. You have an impact anywhere, anytime, in any role.

What do you choose to see in your Reality?
Your mindset influences the positive impact you’ll have… What do you choose to focus on?

Can you Smile make a difference?
Personal change is the critical condition for big change. We shouldn’t underestimate “something simple” like smiling.

How do your increase Your Impact?
Making a difference isn’t only WHAT you do – it’s HOW you do it, and that depends on WHO you are. It is essential and valid to start with yourself first if you want to change anything.

Who You Are is what matters most
Being who you really are, means less ego. When you are fully present and open – your energy will work wonders. Just watch your positive impact increase.

By the way, if you want to contribute to a positive workplace culture, my next open workshop on Positive Culture Change Leadership is scheduled for May 2018! More information and registration is available at a first come first serve basis.

Thank you for spreading positivity. You can help me spread it further by liking, sharing, and commenting on my Positive Power posts.

2 Responses

  1. Hi Marcella, your blog is excellent! I can relate to a lot of situations you discuss, because my experiences include work on 3 continents, both as executive and management consultant. I think that even the best and most positive intentions and initiatives sometime do not work, because they lack substance. By substance I mean existence of a set of performance criteria for every job of the organization, analytically derived target for every criterion, developed with active participation of people who do the job, as accurate as possible reporting of the current performance, regular discussion of the gap between the target and actual and creation of formal action plans. As a direct participant in such a framework, I can say that it is easier said than done. Sometimes takes years for the framework to take hold, but the result always is an organization with supportive, positive, winning culture and excellent financial results.

    1. Thank you, George 🙂 I agree: many things are easier said than done. It is important to aim for positivity and clarity to develop a positive, productive culture.

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