Positive Power at Work – Overview Part Two

Here’s the overview of the second part from my next book: “Positive Power at Work – How to make a positive difference from any position.”

Do you want to have more impact? Part Two explores what the “Positive Mindset of Possibilities” entails – compared to conventional thinking. This is where you start to expand the difference you make!

You can make a positive difference from any position, without needing permission or resources from others. This book-blog will help you see positive possibilities and (re)claim your positive agency. Make yours a positive organization where people and performance thrive. I hope that this blog series (that will be published as a book) inspires you!

Positive Power E-Book to Download

Do you prefer easier reading than separate blog posts? I have created the E-book “Positive Power at Work – Part 2” for the members of this blog. Members: simply log into the members’ area to download.

Positive Power Overview of Posts, Part 2:

What is your mental map?
With how many of these 20 statements do you agree?

Separation or Interbeing?
Look at Charles Eisenstein’s story of separation versus “interbeing”.

Theory X or Y?
Let’s check Theory X and Y as defined by Douglas McGregor.

Do you believe in abundance or scarcity?
Here’s another check to see what mindset influences your behaviors. What’s your tendency?

Giving or Taking at work?
Workplaces are often designed as zero-sum environments that put people in win-lose situations – as Adam Grant researched. Is your workplace filled with givers, takers, or “matchers”?

Leading from Ego or Spirit?
Consultant Danna Beal contrasts ego-driven leaders with enlightened leaders who bring their authentic self to work.

Is this how you think on autopilot?
Is it time to upgrade your mindset? Check this.

Or do you adopt a positive mindset?
A positive mindset does NOT deny what is wrong or difficult. But you consciously choose to amplify positivity.

Positive possibilities…!
How well can you discern positive possibilities?

Broaden your view
There are many angles to one situation and many possible outcomes. Dare you broaden your view?

Where are we headed?
Maslow’s level of self-actualization and the Teal mindset are refined and complex.

Teal organizations and cultures
Check the development stages by Frederic Laloux and see how organizations can lift groups of people. That’s why I developed the Positive Agents Manifesto. Are you a positive agent?

Why think positive?
Research shows it’s beneficial to adopt a positive mindset, both for your personal well-being and your organization’s performance.

Why and how positivity pays off
Look at this compelling research about the effects of Positive Leadership!

What are you broadcasting?
Leaders are like WiFi and set the mood of the workplace. What signal are you broadcasting?

By the way, if you want to contribute to a positive workplace culture, my next open workshop on Positive Culture Change Leadership is scheduled for September 2018! More information and registration is available at a first come first serve basis.

You can help me spread positivity by liking, sharing, and commenting on my Positive Power posts.

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