What happens in meetings?

Let’s take another look at meetings as they are important indicators of organizational culture. We’ve checked why there are meetings. This week, let’s look at what happens in meetings.

Meet how?

The How: How often are meetings held, and with whom? Is it a standard circus, like the bi-weekly team meeting, scheduled with an iron format? Or are meetings incidentally convened when issues arise or decisions are needed? Who is included, who is excluded, and for what reasoning?

How long are meetings to be? Quick and standing, or lengthy while hanging in your chair?
Who leads the meeting? Is there shared meeting chairmanship? Who sets the agenda? Do you need to prepare by reading tons of documents in advance? Or do you get a short presentation and you’re ready to discuss the topic?

* What are your conclusions when you see how meetings are organized in your organization? What stands out? What would you like to change first and why?

Meetings: What happens?

The What: Are people on time? Is it the boss who leaves everyone waiting? Are late-comers accepted? Are they corrected? Are people castigated when they did not prepare and stall the meeting with questions they should’ve known the answers to?

Who talks a long time – and who is silent? Who gets the most attention? Who gets their way when it comes to decision-making? Do you see debate (clashing egos), discussion (more rational pros and cons, “thinking apart”) or dialogue (collaborative exploration, building on what others say, “thinking together”)?

Who is “checking out” and reading email on their smartphone? Who gets away with: not engaging, not being prepared, with taking all the speech time, with not listening, with ridiculing, mocking, reprimanding? Do they lean back or lean in, on the edge of their chairs?

Is the energy level, the speed of exchanges, the sound level high or low? Do people give constructive feedback or do they hide? Do they dare to play “devil’s advocate” and question the status quo or the new proposal? Or are they complacent? Too nice?

Do people directly confront each other or feign harmony? Do people gossip after the meeting, do they sabotage decisions made, do they comply, or are they energized and rush off to do what they promised?

What are your conclusions when you see what happens in meetings, what behaviors are normal in your organization?

How to boost your meetings and enhance a positive culture? The details are in my book, but I wanted to share these important questions with you. Look at your meetings with fresh eyes and you’ll get some ideas to make them more productive and positive.

This is book post #70 – Part “WE”

For more insights and advice, order my book Developing a Positive Culture

Check out the online Positive Culture Academy. Let’s be Positive Agents who do revolution by evolution: one interaction at a time, one person at a time. Subscribe to the Academy’s mailing list so I can keep you posted!

Here’s the earlier post
Here‘s the next post

If you’re confused, check the Positive Power overview and read the Positive Agent Manifesto.

By the way, if you want to contribute to a positive workplace culture, my next open workshop on Positive Culture Change Leadership is scheduled for September 2018! More information and registration is only a mouse click away.

© Copyright Marcella Bremer, 2018. All rights reserved.

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